Axis of Hope Studio

Chris works from his home studio, nestled in the woods on the edge of Bellingham.  Here he can look out the windows to the changing weather, and the comings and goings of the leaves on the Maple and Alder trees.  With the doors open, bird songs drift in, Gracie the dog comes in to get pet or ask for a walk.  Jenny, Chris's wife may drop down from her writing room perch above the studio to consult on design images or read passages from her current project.  The studio is a place close to nature, a place that invites ideas to unfold on a body of clay, it is a place that holds the dust of dried stone-ware, the tools of the craft, and endless paper images Chris uses to draw inspiration from.     

Chris and Gracie in the studio with a load of Prayer Wheels ready to be glazed and fired.

Chris works on the second Resilience Wheel as the first one stands by finished.

A custom Wheel begins the drying process, following the work of carving the body and sculpting the lid.

Chris uses a cloth to wipe away portions of the iron oxide he has applied.  This technique brings out the images.


Intricate carving, giving depth and texture to the story of Wheel.

Chris adds sections to a large Wheel.  Sometimes these require a step-stool.


For larger more detailed piece Chris sketches the design work to scale before he begins work on the carving.